Traffic Enforcement Notice

Posted on December 04, 2023

Traffic Enforcement Notice

Increased Traffic Enforcement in Viicinity of Kyles Lane/Highland Pike

Fort Wright, KY (December 4, 2023) – The City of Fort Wright experiences a significant amount of increased traffic during the morning rush hour as commuters travel throughout the community to access I-75 and students make their way to area public and private schools. Generally speaking, you can count on traffic to be heavily congested. This is especially true on Highland Pike and Kyles Lane.

During morning rush hour, long delays on both Highland Pike and Kyles Lane are often possible but traffic can and does flow more quickly when everyone follows the traffic laws currently in place. These laws are designed to assist in the safe flow of all traffic in the vicinity. Specifically, here is how you can help things flow more smoothly in this area during your morning travels.

  • Everyone traveling up the hill on Highland with the intention of heading towards I-75 or Dixie Highway should get in the center lane of traffic as soon as possible. The right-hand lane on Highland is a Right Turn ONLY lane once you reach the intersection of Kyles Lane, remaining in that lane too long and merging over into congested traffic only increases the traffic problems in this area.
  • For those traveling the old section of Kyles Lane turning right onto Kyles as they head towards I-75 please remember that right hand turn on red in that area is strictly prohibited and posted accordingly between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. It may seem safe to turn on red here when traffic is light or when traffic is turning from Kyles onto Old Kyles but it’s still illegal and this law is in place to ensure the safe and orderly flow of traffic during this time frame so please adhere to it properly.

The City of Fort Wright takes great pride in its motto “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” and part of this concept is working together in situations like this to ensure a non-stressful, efficient, and safe commute for everyone making their way throughout the community.

Unfortunately, as a result of the rising number of traffic violations that are routinely occurring in this area, and the need to keep traffic flowing in a safe manner for the convenience of everyone traveling these corridors there will be a heavy police presence in the foreseeable future near the Highland/Kyles Intersection during morning rush hour. Traffic citations will be issued to anyone not observing the traffic laws.

Please do not turn right on red from Old Kyles to Kyles between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. waiting a minute or two longer for the light to change is what is safest and best for everyone traveling in the area. Also, please do not merge from the right-hand lane of Highland to the center lane once you get near the intersection of Kyles, it is a dangerous and illegal action that may cause a collision and will result in a written citation, if observed.

If you have any question or concerns, please contact Chief Ed Butler at 859-331-2191 or via email at [email protected].

We wish everyone safe travels in and around Fort Wright. Thank you.


Posted 12.04.2023